Sunday, December 29, 2019

Operations Management Assignment - 3639 Words

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT MGCR 472 ASSIGNMENT # 1 (Total 100 points) Due on 7th October (Thursday) by 5pm Make sure to write the name, student # and section # for each student in the group on the cover page of the assignment 1. Suppose you/your group is the owner of a company that produces e-readers. The present production rate is 1000 e-readers /day and the selling price is $210/unit. It requires 200 workers working 8 hours/day to produce the e-readers and they are paid $20/hour. The material cost is $100/unit and overhead cost is $50,000/day. a) What is the unitless multi-factor (labor + material + overhead) productivity ratio? b) What is the labor productivity ratio (both unitless and in terms of units/labor hour)? You/your†¦show more content†¦Engineers will make this new method completely ready for production within 5 years. The total cost of replacement of siliconium with McGillium is estimated to be $170 million (in year 0’s dollar) and this cost estimation can go up or down by 25% per year. Due to the efficiency of this new production method, Intel’s price and demand will be as follows between years 6 and 10: Years 6 7 8 9 10 Price/Chip 500 500 450 425 350 Demand 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 Assume that the discount rate is 35%. (Note that it might be better to work with millions of dollars as the unit for the following questions) (a) Suppose that the cost of building the production facility is $250 million in year 0’s dollar. Then, calculate the NPV of first and second stages of production facility. Based on the total NPV, what is your suggestion about whether Intel should build the production facility or not? Justify your answer. (b) What is the option valuation of the second stage? (c) Based on your option valuation, does Intel make positive profit when production facility costs $250 million? How much can Intel spend for this production facility and still make profit? 6. General Foundry, Inc., a metalworks plant in Ontario, has long been trying to avoid the expense of installing air pollution control equipment. The local environmental protection group has recently given the foundry 12 weeks toShow MoreRelatedOPERATIONS MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT8173 Words   |  33 Pages LEADSTAR COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA) FOR OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT WEIGHT: 50% STUDENT NAME Abreham Kelile Kaba ID LMBA0013/2014 BACTH 1ST Part I: Multiple Choice Questions (1 point each) Choose the best answer from the following Questions _C__Q1.One advantage of Just-in-Time (JIT) Management of stock is _____a. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Effects Of Sexual Revolution On Young Adults And Their...

The Sexual Revolution changed the way society viewed sex and what role it plays in lives and relationships. Beginning in the 1960s sexual relationships changed and have continued to morph over the decades, and this change has aided in the development of the â€Å"Hook-Up† culture. Hooking up greatly impacts young adults and their development and practice of cornerstone relationship skills. Negative relationship skills are being fostered by hooking up and are causing obstacles for long term relationships. The practice of positive life and romantic skills by men and women are hindered by hooking up, because instead of learning skills for marriage, like mutual trust and intimacy, hook ups nurture bad skills and overrule helpful dating practices. Marriage is wounded by hooking up because hook ups do not foster necessary practices for long-term relationships, like mutual trust and intimacy. This paper argues that long term relationships are undermined by the â€Å"Hook Up† culture because hooking up promotes distrust, doubt, fear, a loss of vulnerability, and hurts both partners’ hearts, minds, and souls; these skills create an inability to trust, be intimate, and hence undercut the formation of long-term relationships. The â€Å"Hook Up† Culture, although not new, is a culture that fosters ineffective skills for long-term relationships because this culture negates the positive traits of mutual trust and intimacy which are developed in the traditional dating culture. Practices such asShow MoreRelatedSexually Transmitted Diseases ( Std ) Essay1381 Words   |  6 Pagescommon and preventable health care problems in the world. The ageism of the population and the increase in the number of older adults, along with healthcare advances that provide better and longer quality of life, has encourage changes in sexuality amongst older adults. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Book Review Last Song Free Essays

In The Last Song God is talked bout a lot and believe since Sparks was Catholic, that influenced him to add his religion into his Story. I personally do not see the author in the Story. I think he did not want to add himself in the book. We will write a custom essay sample on Book Review Last Song or any similar topic only for you Order Now The book is written in third person point of view. The point of view written in the book helps the reader understand what the character was feel Eng and the inking. Throughout the story, the author uses a lot of literary devices. At least every other page has a literary device to it. A common one I found throughout the story is simile. Of ours it’s the most common literary device. Ronnie loves her brother â€Å"even though they fight like cats and dogs† and â€Å"still [takes] him to the park every weekend† (Ronnie, 23) showing that she is still willing to do things for her only brother. Steve, Ronnie and Jonahs father, shows his love for his children throughout the novel. â€Å"Spending time with Joana had been like finding special treasure,† Steve loved his kids and spending time with them, â€Å"and he wanted to spend time with [Ronnie] as well† (Steve, 1 00) and wanted to be a part of their lives again. Love is a main theme throughout the story and while love is shown differently by each character, it is all the same. Steve has love for music and his children. Ronnie has love towards her family and Will who she met and fell in love with during the summer. And Joana loves spending time with his father and picking on his sister. The story is about a girl named Ronnie, who has to spend the summer with her dad and brother. She hung out with the wrong crowd at the beginning but after an incident she stayed away. While there she meets Will, a guy who helps her trust again. He helped her find her true self and mature into a young woman. It takes time for Ronnie to let her father back into her life again because she was upset at him for leaving. The story had lots of phrases I liked. One in particular but it is dialog between two main characters. ‘†Can I ask you a question? ‘ (Will) ‘I’m not sure I can stop you. â€Å"‘ (Ronnie, 151) do not know why but out of the entire dialog in the story that part just jumped out. It showed how straight forward Ronnie can be. The story is written using modern English. It is not to old were o cannot understand it. At the beginning of the Story, Ronnie felt distant with her father, maybe even hate towards him. When I was in middle school used to give my parents the cold shoulder. So I can kind of relate to how Ronnie felt at the beginning of the story. My favorite character is Ronnie because she will say â€Å"what [is] on her mind† (Will, 145) and not care what other people think. Marcus is my least favorite character. He â€Å"[thinks] only about himself† (Ronnie, 138) and his personality bugs me. In the beginning of the story Ronnie felt like she did not belong. In middle school when I just started as a sixth grader used to feel like I did not belong. But eventually just like Ronnie, started feeling like that’s where I am supposed to be. Personally enjoyed the entire story. It had its happy moments and other bittersweet moments that made this story one of my favorites. My favorite part of the story is when Ronnie visited Will’s house for the first time. She was like a fly in a glass of milk; the author writes, â€Å"She might as well have landed on mars† [Ronnie, 227] proving my point that she felt she didn’t belong there. My least favorite part was when Blaze planted some Cad’s in Rennin’s bag so it looked like she was shoplifting. Blaze knew what would happen to her because Ronnie said she couldn’t be caught shoplifting again during the year or they would not drop the charges from the other time she did it. Would definitely recommend this book. I have read it a couple Of times and seen the movie, each time finding something new in it. The book has a bittersweet ending to it but the message it gives is wonderful. Honestly, anybody would enjoy this, Nicholas Sparks writing pulls at the heart strings, if you are willing o put the time into reading this, you will not regret it because it is a good book. How to cite Book Review Last Song, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Herodotus Essay Research Paper As Herodotus develops free essay sample

Herodotus Essay, Research Paper As Herodotus develops his History he diverges from the chief facet of his narrative many times throughout the text. Many wonder why Herodotus diverges from the chief point by presenting minor characters who do non look relevant to the cardinal subject. Some consider this method of narrative confusing and pointless but I believe that Herodotus has a intent for including these minor figures and that these characters help show Herodotus political orientation towards proper moral and political systems. These minor figures are developed and manipulated by Herodotus in order to show his thoughts and he is able to carry through this because these characters are flexible in the sense that the readers ( and hearers ) do non hold a sensitivity when introduced to these characters. By closely analysing the minor characters throughout book seven we realize Herodotus # 8217 ; purpose behind the inclusion of these characters is to show his beliefs on the proper ethical motives people should exhibi t and to demo how Tyranny is a hapless signifier of authorities. As the History unfolds Herodotus diverges from the cardinal thought by presenting characters which do non look to match with that cardinal subject. These diverges serve teach the reader as to Herodotus # 8217 ; position on moral issues. Herodotus expresses his position on the manner decease should be perceived by society through the words of Artabanus. Xerxes represents the common perceptual experience of decease when he is look up toing the enormousness of his ground forces and begins to cry because he realizes that they will all be gone in short span of clip. Artabanus tells Xerxes # 8220 ; Life is gives us greater juncture for commiseration that this. Short as his life is, no adult male is happy # 8230 ; but many times, to wish himself dead instead alive ( Artabanus 7.46 ) . # 8221 ; Herodotus is explicating through these words that decease should non be seen in a negative position because life brings adult male so much problems and anguish that he desires for decease to come upon him. Artabanus tells us of these problems when he says # 8220 ; For there are catastrophes that meet him and diseases that derange him, so that they make this life # 8230 ; look long ( Artabanus 7.46 ) . # 8221 ; Even though people may hold with Xerxes actions that decease should be pitied but Herodotus does demo that life brings calamity to adult male and that decease may move as an flight from these calamities. We are able to see the manner proper behaviour should be displayed when 1 has been dishonored harmonizing to Herodotus. In book seven Gelon, tyrant of Syracuse, is requested for helpers to conflict Persia by Athens. Gelon is ferocious with this petition because Athens dishonored him by declining to assist in the yesteryear. Gelon strongly tells Athens # 8220 ; When I begged you to bear a manus with me in the battle against a barbaric enemy # 8230 ; when I kept pressing you to revenge the slaying of Dorieus # 8230 ; you did non come aid, either for my interest or to revenge the slaying of Dorieus ( Gelon 7.158 ) . # 8221 ; Many people would non oppugn Gelon for non assisting the Athenians against the Iranian invasion since they have been dishonored and now are a Providence of Persia but he does offer the Athenians aid. Herodotus uses Gelon to demo how one should turn the other cheek when Gelon says # 8220 ; But though I have met dishonour from you, I will non be like you ( Gelon 7.158 ) # 8221 ; and he offers ships and soldiers to the Athenians. Herodotus shows that one should contend in conflict under any circumstance in different cases throughout book seven. As Xerxes Marches towards Greece he and his ground forces are provided nutrient, shelter, and money by Pythius. All that Pythius asks for in return for his # 8220 ; generousness # 8221 ; is that is firstborn boy does non travel to war with Persi a and stays to care for him. Xerxes is enrages with this petition because non contending is non acceptable by anyone non even to the male monarch himself. Xerxes says â€Å"Vile animal, I am myself processing to Greece, and with me are my kids, my brothers, my family, and my friends ( Xerxes 7.39 ) † and he punishes Pythius for even sing his boy non contending by slaying his eldest boy. Another illustration of Herodotus’ position on combat is when the Spartans are entrapped by the Persians and want to conflict to the decease. Leonidas one of the male monarchs of Sparta knew his destiny was to decease if he went to conflict the Persians because it was prophesied before the war began. His destiny was to decease but he still went to contend the Iranis at the conflict of Thermopylae and â€Å"for himself he thought it would be dishonourable to go forth ( Leonidas 7.220 ) .† Herodotus besides uses these diverges to show that Tyranny is a hapless signifier of authorities. Herodotus shows that Tyranny is a signifier of authorities that contains mistakes which are non good to the people or the province as a whole. Herodotus uses Artabanus to demo how a authorities controlled by one adult male is more susceptible to doing bad determinations. Artabanus is reding Xerxes non to pay war on Greece by stating him of the past errors of former male monarchs. He tells Xerxes # 8220 ; I told your male parent, my brother Darius, non to pay war against the Scythian # 8221 ; and # 8220 ; He made his run and returned, holding lost many good work forces from his ground forces ( Artabanus 7.10 ) . # 8221 ; He besides tells Xerxes of other yesteryear failed conquerings ; Cyrus # 8217 ; expedition against the Massagentae and Cambyses # 8217 ; onslaught on the long lived Ethiopians. Herodotus besides says through Artabanus that # 8220 ; It is a awful thing, even to hear , that all the power if the King should lie at the disposal of one adult male ( Artabanus 7.10 ) . # 8221 ; Some may state that all male monarchs have advisers that help him do right determinations but as Herodotus demonstrates the male monarch does non ever listen to his advisers sound advice as in the instance of Xerxes and Artabanus. In a Oppressive signifier of authorities the people within the authorities are non content functioning under a one adult male regulation, harmonizing to Herodotus. In book seven Xerxes asks Demaratus to state him how Greece will fair under when invaded by Persia # 8217 ; s monolithic ground forces. Demaratus tells the male monarch that he will talk the truth about the Spartans because it was requested of him and he says # 8220 ; in no manner will they accept our proposal bearing bondage to Greece, and the 2nd is that they will dispute you to conflict, even though all the other Greek were on your side ( Demaratus 7.102 ) . # 8221 ; Xerxes can non believe that the Spartans would contend against such odds but Demaratus explains that they fight for a greater cause so the Persians. He tells Xerxes # 8220 ; They have as the tyrant over them Law, and the fright him more so your work forces fear you ( Demaratus 7.104 ) . # 8221 ; Herodotus is showing that persons under the regulation of democracy are more content so persons under Tyranny because they fight more valorously for their authorities. Herodotus uses the debut of characters to diverge from the cardinal thought of his subject and he uses this technique to show his positions on moral and political subjects. These controversial subjects come up while he is blossoming his History and he uses these characters to show his ain sentiment on these topics. An illustration of Herodotus # 8217 ; confronts moral topics during his narrative when he talks about decease, giving to 1s pride, and honest combat. He besides uses these characters to demo that Tyranny is non a good signifier of authorities. Bibliography Herodotus Translated by David Green